Our products

Catalogue of products our company.

Ścianki wystawiennicze (ekspozycyjne) wolnostojące

Free-standing exposition screens

Kubiki ekspozycyjne (wystawiennicze)

Display polygons



Ścianki muzealne i targowe

Museum and fair screens

LED Lamps

Podświetlane LED

LED lights

Ramy aluminiowe

Aluminium frames

Tablice informacyjne, unijne, pamiątkowe

Information, memorial, EU plaques

Reklama (nośniki informacji)





Display cabinets

Do ogrodu

Garden decorations

Z metalu

Made from metal

Display Screen

For displaying prints on stiff panels ? 2 or 3 panels put together in two possible ways:

  1. fixed obtuse angle, not adjustable
  2. adjustable angle with a scope from 0 to 180 degrees


  • prints on dibond panels for the fixed angle variant
  • prints on dibond pr PVC (hips, foam, stiff) for the adjustable angle variant
  • easy assembly
  • transported flat (folded)
  • possible to change prints (printed panels)
  • various sizes

Possible purposes:

Indoor exhibitions
Stage screens
Features for jury seats on competitions