Ścianki wystawiennicze (ekspozycyjne) wolnostojące

Free-standing exposition screens

Kubiki ekspozycyjne (wystawiennicze)

Display polygons



Ścianki muzealne i targowe

Museum and fair screens

LED Lamps

Podświetlane LED

LED lights

Ramy aluminiowe

Aluminium frames

Tablice informacyjne, unijne, pamiątkowe

Information, memorial, EU plaques

Reklama (nośniki informacji)





Display cabinets

Do ogrodu

Garden decorations

Z metalu

Made from metal

Display frame ? Indoor (model B)

Clasp-frame stand for displaying paper posters or thin panels, up to 1 mm thickness, one- or two-sided. 
Light and easy to assembly.
Modular construction allows for combining frames into screens.

Frame parts ? Indoor model B: 

  • anodised aluminium post, silver colour, 200 cm length, 4- or 8-sided ? 2 pcs.
  • indoor metal base, silver colour, ? 360 mm ? 2 pcs.
  • anodised aluminium crossbar + locks (sets the display panel width) ? 2 pcs.
  • clasped frame for poster display, made of anodised aluminium, silver in colour, 32 mm thickness ; back of the frame made of magnetic sheets and/or whiteboard panel ; additional anti-reflex acrylic glass covering for the poster ; corners cut at 45 degrees or rounded ? 2 pcs.

What else do I need?

UV printed paper poster


Transportable, modular frames, possible to combine multiple frames into groups, creating large screens or geometric shapes, straight and zig-zagging lines. Stable metal bases.

Possible additional elements (to be purchased separately):

  • display panels with prints
  • additional logo display (20-25 cm height) + additional crossbar
  • graphic design for display panels
  • transport
  • assembly and disassembly
  • framing the display panels for mounting on walls (after the exposition)

Technical notes:

  • standard crossbar widths are 70, 100, 120 and 140 cm, other widths by custom order
  • every frame can support a custom width crossbar
  • lower crossbar can be adjusted for height, allowing for displays of various heights to be used with the same crossbar
  • anodised aluminium frames are light, easy to use and portable
  • the metal base can be swapped for a concrete base and the frame used as an Outdoor model A
  • the 8-sided posts allow for putting together several frames at various angles (every 45 degrees) and creating various shapes.



  • Paper print
    UV print in very high resolution (up to 1440 dpi), weather resistant.

  • 1 mm display panel print
    UV print in very high resolution (up to 1440 dpi), weather resistant, printed on a hard, stiff panel.

The most popular panel sizes used with our frames are 70×100 cm (B1), 100×70 cm (B1), 100×100 cm, 100×120 cm, 120×100 cm, 100×140 cm. Custom sizes available.


Additional services:

  • frames in custom dimensions,
  • transport and assembly service
  • graphic design for display panels
  • photography sessions
  • framing display panels in aluminium for mounting