Ścianki wystawiennicze (ekspozycyjne) wolnostojące

Free-standing exposition screens

Kubiki ekspozycyjne (wystawiennicze)

Display polygons



Ścianki muzealne i targowe

Museum and fair screens

LED Lamps

Podświetlane LED

LED lights

Ramy aluminiowe

Aluminium frames

Tablice informacyjne, unijne, pamiątkowe

Information, memorial, EU plaques

Reklama (nośniki informacji)





Display cabinets

Do ogrodu

Garden decorations

Z metalu

Made from metal

Wires for frames hanging on ceilings

For pictures hanging from the ceiling.

  • anodised aluminium profile running on the ceiling
  • steel wire of any length, clasped to the profile
  • hooks holding max 4 or 8 kg
  • allows to change the contents quickly without drilling new holes
  • invisible screws on the profile
  • several frames can hang from the wire
  • frame height and the placement of the wire on the profile can be easily changed.