Glass panels (signs and plaques)
UV print directly on the glass.
We print on glass panels for kitchens and bathrooms, for large decorative exhibitions (possibly fitted with lighting) in hotels, swimming pools and similar venues. Often used as sliding doors by furniture manufacturers.
Prints on glass are also used for plaques (informative, memorial, EU fund plaques etc.) and other objects for special occasions – prizes, statuettes, diplomas.
We use various types and thicknesses of glass, depending on the intended purpose:
- normal float glass
- normal optiwhite glass
- safe glass (3.3.1)
- tempered glass
We can fit the glass panels with holes for assembly, or for power sockets in case of kitchen countertops.
Due to glass transparency, prints are usually done with an extra layer of white groundprint. Print is mirrored, on the underside, to be seen through the glass from the other side.
For this reason, we make various types of prints on glass, same as with transparent polycarbonate / acrylic. However, the most popular type is 1 x CMYK + 2 x White or CMYK + 1 x White + CMYK.
Kitchen panels and sliding door panels are additionally covered with special assembly (gluing) foil.
Printed glass has many uses.
We specialise in choosing lighting to fit, and we can fill custom orders, including assembly.