Ścianki wystawiennicze (ekspozycyjne) wolnostojące

Free-standing exposition screens

Kubiki ekspozycyjne (wystawiennicze)

Display polygons



Ścianki muzealne i targowe

Museum and fair screens

LED Lamps

Podświetlane LED

LED lights

Ramy aluminiowe

Aluminium frames

Tablice informacyjne, unijne, pamiątkowe

Information, memorial, EU plaques

Reklama (nośniki informacji)





Display cabinets

Do ogrodu

Garden decorations

Z metalu

Made from metal

Poster boards

Poster boards made of aluminium profile, with OPS frames. Back made of PVC or magnetic metal, front of acrylic glass. One- or two-sided.

Available versions: standard (A), reinforced (B), with a logotype (C). Sizes: custom or standard (for instance: B0, B1, B2, A0, A2, C0, C1, C2).


Poster board type A


  • anodised aluminium post, silver, short ? 4 pcs.
  • chains to limit the angle ? 2 pcs.
  • snap frame for graphics or posters, made of anodised aluminium profiles, silver in colour, 32 mm width, back of the frame made of PVC or magnetic sheet metal (whiteboard function), front of anti-reflex acrylic glass ? 2 pcs.


Poster board type B


  • anodised aluminium post, silver, full length ? 4 pcs.
  • chains to limit the angle ? 2 pcs.
  • snap frame for graphics or posters, made of anodised aluminium profiles, silver in colour, 32 mm width, back of the frame made of PVC or magnetic sheet metal (whiteboard function), front of anti-reflex acrylic glass ? 2 pcs.


Poster board type C


  • anodised aluminium post, silver, full length ? 4 pcs.
  • logotype add-on (as per order) ? 2 pcs.
  • reinforcing aluminium crossbar ? 3 pcs.
  • chains to limit the angle ? 2 pcs.
  • snap frame for graphics or posters, made of anodised aluminium profiles, silver in colour, 32 mm width, back of the frame made of PVC or magnetic sheet metal (whiteboard function), front of anti-reflex acrylic glass ? 2 pcs.


We can manufacture all standard sizes and custom sizes as per order. Other colours (RAL palette) available for larger commissions!